Life is in living what is. Whatever situation we find ourselves in, this is exactly where we need to be, where we learn and grow in consciousness.
Our obsessive need for change and inner argument with reality as it is keeps us split and in separation. We loose our energy in inner conflict and struggle, and the outer world becomes a reflection of that. Change does not happen through our attempt to change, but through allowing all inner conflict to melt.
Every experience in our life is a door, our suffering and pains as well as our most happy moments. The Seven Doors to Awakened Consciousness offer a deep understanding of how to keep our doors of experiences open.
Consciousness is one, shining its light from within on all that we are. As it expresses itself in life, its light appears fragmented into a multitude of vibrations and colors, like a rainbow.
Through each color of the rainbow we can remember the light within. Through each experience in life we can realize Oneness Consciousness in its background and open to peace, love and causeless joy.
Grace is the medium for this realization, personal effort can bring us to the door.
In a series of 7 courses we shine the light onto the major doorways to Awakened Consciousness through experiencing, accepting and understanding the complex personality issues related to the seven Chakras or energy centers in the human psychic body. Through a direct transmission of presence we can release the tensions of all inner conflict and open to a new vision of life.
In each course we explore a different ray of consciousness. Altogether we offer 7 courses, covering the full spectrum of the rainbow of our Being: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, royal blue and violet.
The fifth course allows grace to open the door within the blue ray. Blue is the color of the fifth chakra, located at the throat, and is related to:
- Peace
- The inner sky
- Understanding
- Unconditional acceptance
- Awakening to who we are
- Knowing and not knowing
- Expression and Creativity
- Surrender and letting Go
- The release of suffering
- Devotion
- Prayer
- Taking responsibility
- Being your own authority
- Death and rebirth
When the energy here is distorted and this door is closed, we:
- Function according to our old and limiting conditioned beliefs
- Cling to the known
- Isolate ourselves and feel distant
- Are afraid to take risks
- Live in fear of authorities
- Limit our creativity and imitate others
Through Aura-Soma, Meditation and Satsang we specifically become aware and shine the light of love and consciousness unto patterns and gifts of the fifth Chakra, individually and collectively.
We can allow grace to bring consciousness and healing to the fifth chakra, guiding us towards:
- Clearer communication
- Creative expression
- Understanding on an existential level
- A yes to life and to the unknown
- A new awakening of who we truly are as love, peace and witnessing consciousness
- Deep peacefulness and silence
- Welcoming the natural laws of life, death and rebirth