Awakening to your True Self, a deep and personal process in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Chiang Mai , ThailandThis course is a highly comprehensive training towards personal awakening and the art of being with people
This course is a highly comprehensive training towards personal awakening and the art of being with people
Beloved Friends, Each life situation is a wonderful challenge from existence to unveil our BEING as truth, peace, love and freedom. Sometimes this seems impossible, but it only seems. The word “Satsang” means meeting in truth: Come and take the challenge to unveil the truth, to love and be free, to tenderly embrace this moment as it is. Come, turn…
This course is a highly comprehensive training in the art of being with people and the wisdom of transformation
Dieser Kurs ist ein Geschenk für jeden der sich für neue Dimensionen der Sexualitaet, Liebe und Wahrheit öffnen möchte.
Life is relationship, and the search for relationship is for many the search for love, peace and fulfilment.
Nature has given us our sexual energy, a healthy and vibrant aliveness in the body that has an infinite potential for transformation and awakening.
The Art of Love and Intimacy, Tantra Alchemy for Couples is a sacred exploration to support couples on their journey towards love, intimacy and wholeness. It is a gentle re-education in sex and love and, for some perhaps, a very first education. We carry many beliefs, ideas, dreams and hopes around sex that we have adopted from the examples of…